Cara Bryan
Voice Specialist, Speech Language Pathologist
Hi! My name is Cara Bryan. I am often asked, “How did you choose the field of speech pathology?” Well, many reasons! From a very young age I was fascinated in voice, various accents, singing, and those with vocal difficulties. I watched my grandmother who lived with Parkinson’s disease struggle to make herself heard across the dinner table and thought, why? Why can’t she just speak up? My curiosity in voice and how it was produced led me to major in vocal performance in college and fueled my desire to assist others with vocal challenges. The first speech-language pathologist I knew – my mother – encouraged me to pursue the field as I could specialize in the rehabilitation of voice. My educational and professional path took me to the hospital setting where I worked for 14 years prior to starting my own practice. I formed South Tampa Voice Therapy so I could fulfill my passion of assisting others on their voice journey. I look forward to working with you.
- M.A. in Speech-Language Pathology
- University of Iowa 2002
- Vocology specialization
- Medical speech pathology specialization
- Vocology Certification 2001
- Summer Vocology Institute, Denver, Colorado
- B.A. in Music-Vocal Performance
- The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1999
- Confident Clinician Cooperative, LC, Co-Founder and Co-Owner, 2020-2024
- Member of Global Initiative for Inducible Laryngeal Obstruction (GIILO)
- Private Practice Owner at South Tampa Voice Therapy 2016-present
- Staff Speech Pathologist at Florida Hospital - Tampa 2004-2016
- Staff Speech Pathologist at H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center 2003-2004
- Clinical Fellowship in Speech-Language Pathology, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Department of Otolaryngology, University of Iowa 2002-2003
- Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association since 2003
- Florida License since 2003
- Certificate in Vocology, National Center for Voice & Speech, 2001
- Parkinson Voice Project Speak Out! certification
- PhoRTE certified
- MacNeill Dysphagia Therapy Program certified
- Myofascial Release
- Videostroboscopy
- Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing
- Upper Airway Assessment and Treatment
- Award for Continuing Education (ACE) 2019
- Supervisor and trainer for future clinicians
- Soprano, Tampa Oratorio Singers; Church Choir

Melanie Schmidt
Speech Language Pathologist
Hello! My name is Melanie. I began my career working with autistic children in schools and homes. I saw first-hand how communication is central to every aspect of life. This is where I discovered my passion for facilitating speech and language through a team approach. As I gained experience in a variety of areas, my appreciation grew for speech-language pathology and all that it encompasses. I am excited to work with you!
- M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology
- University of South Florida 2021
- Post-Baccalaureate in Communication Sciences & Disorders
- University of Florida 2018
- B.A. in Psychology, B.A. in Criminal Justice
- Minor in Clinical/Counseling Psychology - Adult Track
- Canisius College 2015
- University of the Sunshine Coast - Queensland, Australia Study Abroad Program
Externship at the James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital
Summer 2021
Externship at Superior Therapy Services, Inc.
Fall 2020
Graduate clinician at the Bolesta Center
Deaf/Hard of Hearing populations
Spring 2021
Graduate clinician at USF
Aphasia Assisted Conversation Group
USF ALS Center
Fall 2019-Summer 2020
Behavior Therapist at Beacon ABA Services
ABA Paraprofessional at Holliston School District
- Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- Florida Department of Health Speech Language Pathology License
Parkinson Voice Project Speak Out! Training
Modified Barium Swallowing Impairment Profile (MBSImP) Training
Basic Life Support (CPR + AED)
HIV/AIDS: A Mini Course
Consultants for the Future
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- 2021 Parkinson Voice Project grant recipient through South Tampa Voice Therapy
- 2019 Genshaft/Greenbaum Passport Scholarship recipient
Member of Florida Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists
Teaching Assistant at USF in Communication Sciences & Disorders Department

Kamryn Leoncavallo
Speech Language Pathologist
Hello! I was born and raised in Northern Virginia, moved to Boston for undergrad, and now currently love living in St. Pete, Florida! I completed my Clinical Fellowship at the Bay Pines VA Hospital. I loved serving the Veterans there — both on an inpatient and outpatient basis — to help improve their speech, swallowing, voice, communication, and cognition. There is such a variety of ways in which speech-language pathologists can help people; it is hard for me to pick just one area that I am most passionate about! But what I love the most about my job is getting to know the person I am working with, meeting their family members, understanding their personal goals for speech/swallowing, and collaborating with them to achieve those goals.
When I am not at South Tampa Voice Therapy, I am working my other job in an acute care setting. For fun, I enjoy spending time with friends and family, going to the beach, watching football, and exploring new places in Tampa/St. Pete! Please share your local recommendations with me. I look forward to working with you!
- M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology
- University of South Florida (2023)
- B.S. in Communication Disorders
- Emerson College (2020)
- Speech Pathologist at St. Anthony's Hospital (PRN)
- Speech Pathologist at HCA South Tampa Hospital (PRN)
- Clinical Fellow at Bay Pines VA Healthcare System
- Graduate Clinician at South Florida Baptist Hospital (Pediatric Rehab)
- Group Speak OUT! Facilitator
- USF ALS Clinic and USF Speech-Language Clinic
- Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- State of Florida Speech-Language Pathologist License
- Modified Barium Swallowing Impairment Profile (MBSImP)
- Parkinson Voice Project Speak OUT! Provider
- Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) Certified
- Basic Life Support (CPR + AED)

Grace Montgomery
Clinical Fellow Speech Pathologist
Hello! My name is Grace, I am a classically trained singer and voice teacher. I became interested in clinical rehabilitation of vocal disorders as a voice student in my undergrad, when all the singing students were provided free voice evaluations as part of the training of Speech-Language Pathology students. I was fascinated watching my own vocal folds move under the scope as I used my voice, and it has been my goal since to someday be able to evaluate and treat vocal disorders to help people with vocal difficulties use their voice with freedom and ease. As a singer I have performed as both a chorus member and soloist in professional opera companies, choruses, and churches; and as a voice teacher I have taught children and adults to use their voices to their fullest potential to communicate the emotion and beauty of each song. I hope to use my knowledge and experience as a singer to help people with all types of vocal difficulties learn to use their voice to their fullest potential.
- M.S. in Speech Pathology, USF 2023
- M.A. in Music - Vocal Performance, UCF 2013
- B.M. in Vocal Performance, UCF 2011
- Externship at Advent Health Voice and Swallow Center, Spring 2023
- Externship with Hillsborough Public Schools, Fall 2022
- Group Speak OUT! Facilitator
- Graduate Clinician, USF ALS Clinic and USF Speech-Language Clinic
- Florida Department of Health Provisional Speech Language Pathology License
- Parkinson Voice Project Speak Out! Training
- Modified Barium Swallowing Impairment Profile (MBSImP) Training
- Basic Life Support (CPR + AED)
- HIV/AIDS: A Mini Course
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Opera Roles:
Queen of the Night from The Magic Flute, Marguerite from Faust, The Aunt from Madama Butterfly, Lucia from Lucia di Lammermoor, Donna Anna from Don Giovanni, Alice Fordfrom The Merry Wives of Windsor, Rosalinda from Die Fledermaus, Sister Sophia from The Sound of Music, Sandmanfrom Hansel and Gretel.
- Cantor, Featured Soloist, and Soprano Section Leader - St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Orlando, Fl.
- Cantor, Featured Soloist, and Soprano Section Leader - St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, St Cloud, Fl.
- V.O.I.C.E.xperience with Sherrill Milnes at Opera Tampa Scholarship Winner 2010

Kristin Carlton
Licensed practical nurse
Clinical Coordinator
Hello, my name is Kristin. I am the Clinical Coordinator for South Tampa Voice Therapy. I started my career in the medical field because I have always had a fascination with the disease processes of the human body. I have been in this field for almost twenty years working in various types of practices including OB/GYN, neurosurgery, plastic surgery, colorectal surgery, vascular surgery, general surgery, otolaryngology, and primary care before my position at South Tampa Voice Therapy. As my career has progressed, I have shifted from the clinical aspect to the administrative aspect because my knowledge on the clinical side has given me a broader base on understanding insurances and compliance guidelines at the federal and state level.
- Medical Assistant- 2002
- Licensed Practical Nurse- 2008
- Licensed Practical Nurse State of Florida since 2008
Parkinson Voice Project Speak Out! Training
Modified Barium Swallowing Impairment Profile (MBSImP) Training
Basic Life Support (CPR + AED)
HIV/AIDS: A Mini Course
Consultants for the Future
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- National Technical Honor Society Member
Member of Florida Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists
Teaching Assistant at USF in Communication Sciences & Disorders Department