South Tampa Voice Therapy Blog

How can a speech therapist help with my cough?

How can a speech therapist help with my cough?

Patients referred to South Tampa Voice Therapy for management of chronic cough have typically been coughing for months or years without improvement. A person’s quality of life may be significantly impacted by the disruptive, often vigorous coughing episodes affecting social, personal and professional relationships. Often patients have been treated with multiple different medications and inhalers […]

What is Inducible Laryngeal Obstruction?

What is Inducible Laryngeal Obstruction?

Inducible Laryngeal Obstruction (ILO), also known as Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD), is a condition in which the vocal cords (also called vocal folds) involuntarily close or constrict during breathing, leading to obstruction of the upper airway. This obstruction often occurs during physical exertion, stress, or even at rest, and it results in symptoms similar to […]

What is Video Stroboscopy?

What is Video Stroboscopy?

Physicians refer for videostroboscopy to assess the detailed function of the vocal cords and larynx (voice box). Speech pathologists can perform videostroboscopy procedures for referring physicians to assist in the diagnostic process. Some vocal cord growths or abnormalities are not visible with a still light, thus a more comprehensive assessment is required. Studies have shown […]

Why did my doctor refer me for a swallow test?

Why did my doctor refer me for a swallow test?

Physicians offer refer patients for swallowing assessments if they are having difficulty chewing, swallowing foods or liquids, coughing or choking while eating, experience food sticking in the throat, unintentional weight loss, recurrent pneumonia, etc. A swallowing assessment  evaluates a person’s ability to safely swallow food, liquids, and medications, and it helps identify any difficulties or […]

Why would an adult need speech therapy?

Why would an adult need speech therapy?

We have often heard from patients referred by physicians, “I don’t know what speech therapy can do for me, I don’t have any difficulty talking.” However, speech therapy intervention for adults encompasses a wide range of disorders impacting communication, voice, cognitive and swallowing disorders. This may result from conditions like stroke, brain injury, neurological disorders, […]



Diagnosis: Parkinson’s disease – Voice and swallowing difficulties